My Issue With Team Composition in Dragon Ball Super’s Universe Survival Arc (No Spoilers)

Now ain’t that a catchy title?

So I finally caught up to Dragon Ball Super over the past few days. I’ve not been following spoilers for future events and don’t intend to, but from where we are, things are shaping up to be pretty intense.

That said, I’ve got one standing issue with how things are shaping up, and it’s one I’ve had for quite some time now. Continue reading

Adventures at Animazement 2017!

Greetings, citizens! I’m a week late to posting this, but nevertheless, last weekend was the annual Animazement convention, and I had the luck of being able to go to some of it! Below, I shall recount my exciting adventures! Or what few of them there were, at any rate.

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Greetings, citizens!

Justiguy has arrived!

To be honest, I wasn’t sure how to start this introduction off without sounding more pompous than I am. Then I realized I could just say something dumb like “I wasn’t sure how to start this introduction off without sounding more pompous than I am” and that would probably explain everything for me, for better and for worse.

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